Robert Borden

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Robert Laird Borden

(1854-1937) enseignant, avocat, député, chef du Parti conservateur, chef de l'Opposition officielle, président du Conseil privé, ministre, 8e premier ministre du Canada

De l'auteur

Mémoires, correspondance, journal

  • 1971 - Letters to Limbo. Edited by Henry Borden, Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 310 p.
  • 1952 - Diary of Sir Robert Borden. Washington Disarmament Conference, 1921-1922, [Ottawa] : Public Archives of Canada], ? p.
  • 1938 - Robert Laird Borden. His Memoirs. Edited and With a Preface by Henry Borden with and Introduction by Arthur Meighen, Toronto : MacMillan, 2 volumes.
  • 1917 - Correspondence of General Sir Sam Hughes, Ex-Minister of Militia and the Right. Hon. Sir Robert Borden, G.C.M.G at the Time Sir Sam Resigned, Ottawa : Central Liberal Information Office, 16 p. (en ligne)


  • 1929 - Canada in the Commonwealth from Conflict to Co-operation, Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 144 p.
  • 1922 - Canadian Constitutional Studies. The Marfleet Lectures, University of Toronto October, 1921, [Toronto : University of Toronto Press], 163 p. (en ligne)

Discours, adresses, etc.

  • 1932 - Sir Robert Borden's address to the Graduating Class of Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, May 25th, 1932. On the Occasion of his Receiving an Honorary Degree from that University, s.l. : s.n., 3 p.
  • 1931 - Address ... at a Banquet of the League of Nations Society in Canada at the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, on November 17th, 1930..., Ottawa : The League of Nations Society in Canada, 14 p.
  • 1930 - Inside History of War Days. Sir Robert Borden Makes Notable Speech at Annual Luncheon of Professional Institute, Bringing to Light Events that Had Important Bearing on Victory and the Peace Treaty, Professional Institute of the Civil Service of Canada, 12 p.
  • 1919 - Canada and the Peace. A Speech by the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, K.C., P.C. on the Treaty of Peace. Delivered in the Canadian House of Commons on Tuesday, September 2, 1919, [Ottawa? : s.n.], 23 p. (en ligne)
  • 1918 - Manifestos by Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, K.C., P.C., G.C.M.G., 1916-17, Ottawa : J. de L. Taché, 16 p. (en ligne)
  • 1918 - Canada at War. Speeches delivered, by Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, K.C., P.C., G.C.M.G. in Canada and the United Kingdom, June-September 1918, [Ottawa : s.n.], 31 p.
  • 1917 - The War and the Future by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Borden... Being a Narrative Compiled from Speeches... with an Introductory Letter to the Compiler, Percy Hurd, London : Hodder & Stoughton, 164 p. (en ligne)
  • 1917 - Manifeste de Sir Robert Borden au peuple canadien, Ottawa : Bureau de publicité du gouvernement unioniste, 8 p.
  • 1817 - Manifesto of Sir Robert Borden to the Canadian People, Ottawa : Union Government Publicity Bureau, 7 p.
  • 1917 - Loi électorale durant la guerre. Discours prononcé par le Très Honorable Sir Robert Laird Borden, K.C., P.C., G.C.M.G., dans la Chambre des communes, 10 septembre 1917, Ottawa : Union Government Publicity Bureau, 7 p.
  • 1917 - Service militaire obligatoire. Discours du très honorable sir R.L. Borden, de l'honorable Albert Sévigny, de M. F. J. Robidoux et de l'honorable C.J. Doherty prononcés à la Chambre des Communes, les 11, 18, 25, 26 juin et 5 juillet 1917, Ottawa : J. de L. Taché, 41 p.
  • 1917 - Canada at War. Speech Delivered by Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden... in the House of Commons on the Imperial War Cabinet, 1917, the Imperial War Conference, 1917, and Compulsory Military Enlistment, May 18th, 1917, [Ottawa? : s.n.], 34 p.
  • 1917? - Canada at War. Speeches Delivered by Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, K.C.., P.C., G.C.M.C. in Canada and the United Kingdom, December, 1916 - May, 1917, [Ottawa? : s.n.], 28 p.
  • 1916 - Canada at War. A Speech Delivered by Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, K.C.., P.C., G.C.M.C. in New York City, November 18th, 1916, [Ottawa? : s.n., 1916?], 9 p. (en ligne)
  • 1915 - Political Dishonesty Denounced by Sir Robert Borden. Epoch-Making Speech by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons, April 15th, 1915, Ottawa : Federal Press Agency, 34 p. (ligne)
  • 1915 - Canada at War. Speeches Delivered by Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden... in England, Canada and the United States, July-December, 1915, [Ottawa : s.n.], 58 p.
  • 1914 - Canada at War. Speeches Delivered by Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden... Before Canadian Clubs. Toronto, Halifax, Montreal, Winnipeg, December, 1914, [Toronto? : s.n.], 31 p.
  • 1914 - Canada at War. Special Session of the Dominion Parliament, August, 1914. Speech by Robert Robert Laird Borden..., [Ottawa? : s.n.], 30 p.
  • 1914 - "Canada Will Answer the Call". Sir Robert Borden's Inspiring War-message to the Canadian People. Speech Delivered at Toronto, Dec. 5th, 1914, Ottawa : Federal Press Agency, 7 p.
  • 1913 - Comments on the Senate's Rejection of the Naval Aid Bill, [Ottawa? : s.n.], 26 p. (ligne)
  • 1913 - Splendid Record of the Borden Government. Remarkable achievements of the Conservative Administration During the Past Two Years. Statesmanlike Speech of the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. R.L. Borden, at Halifax, Sept. 16, 1913. Naval Policy Clearly Defined as One of Co-operation, not of Contribution, Ottawa : Federal Press Agency, 29 p. (en ligne)
  • 1912 - Bill relatif aux forces navales de l'Empire. Discours prononcé par le Très Hon. R.L. Borden, le 5 décembre 1912, s.l. : s.n., 32 p. (en ligne)
  • 1912 - The Naval Aid Bill. Speech Delivered by Rt. Hon. R. L. Borden, 5th December, 1912, Ottawa? : s.n., 30 p. (en ligne)
  • 1911 - Speech Delivered by R.L. Borden, M.P., in the House of Commons, on 9th February, 1911 in Opposition to the Reciprocity Proposals of the Government, [Canada : s.n.], 14 p. (en ligne)
  • 1910 - The Naval Question. Speech Delivered by Mr. R.L. Borden, M.P., 3rd February, 1910, [Ottawa? : s.n.], 15 p. (en ligne)
  • 1910 - The Naval Question. Speech Delivered by Mr. R.L. Borden, M.P., 12th January, 1910, [Ottawa? : s.n.], 30 p. (en ligne)
  • 1908 - The Question of Oriental Immigration. Speeches, in Part, Delivered by R. L. Borden ... in 1907 and 1908, s.l. : s.n., 29 p. (en ligne)
  • 1907 - Addresses Delivered by the Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. R. L. Borden, M.P., Mgr J.-C.K. Laflamme, Québec : Dept. of Lands and Forests, 16 p.
  • 1907 - Discours prononcés par Sir Wilfrid Laurier, M. R. L. Borden, M. P., Mgr J.-C. K.-Laflamme, Québec : Département des terres et forêts, 20 p.
  • 1907? - Speech Delivered by R.L. Borden, M.P., at Quebec on the 29th August, 1907, s.l. : s.n., 10 p. (en ligne)
  • 1907? - Discours prononcé par M. R.-L. Borden à Québec le 29 août 1907, s.l. : s.n., 11 p. (en ligne)
  • 1904? - The National Transcontinental Railway Project. Speeches Delivered by M. R. L. Borden ... in 1903 and 1904, [Ottawa] : [s. n.], 66 p. (en ligne)

Rapports, etc.

  • 1923 - The British Commonwealth of Nations, New Haven, Conn. : Yale Publishing Association, 18 p.
  • 1923 - «Sir Robert Borden's view of the League», dans Edward Mandell House, The League of Nations Interpreted as a Present Reality by Colonel E. M. House, Sir Robert Borden, Lord Robert Cecil, Frederick Dixon. Being Letters, Editorials and Articles Reprinted from the International Interpreter, New York : Interpreter Publishing Corporation, p. 15-18.
  • 1923 - «[Rapport]», dans Conférence de la limitation des armements (1921-1922 : Washington, D.C.) Délégation du Canada. Rapport du délégué du Canada comprenant les traités et résolutions, Ottawa : Impr. du Roi, 236 p.
  • 1922 - «[Report]», dans Conference on the Limitation of Armament Held at Washington November 12, 1921, to February 6, 1922. Report of the Canadian Delegate Including Treaties and Resolutions, Ottawa : King's Printer, p. 7-47. (en ligne)
  • 1916 - The Canadian Parliamentary Guide, 1916. Published by the Seers of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, Based on Faith, Hope, and Charity. Joint Editors, Borden and Laurier, [Ottawa] : Menace Print, 23 p.
  • 1914 - Treaties and Agreements Affecting Canada in Force between His Majesty and the United States of America with Subsidiary Documents, 1814-1913. Compiled under the direction of the R. L. Borden, Ottawa : J. de L. Taché, 301 p. (en ligne)
  • 1911 - The Liberal-Conservative Platform, as Laid Down by R.L. Borden ..., s.l. : s.n., 24 p.
  • 1906 - Le Procès d'une session. Mise à jour de quelques transactions de l'administration Laurier durant la session de 1906, [Canada : s.n.], 151 p. (en ligne)
  • 1906 - A Session's Disclosures. Some Transactions of the Laurier Administration Exposed in the Session of 1906, [Canada : s.n.], 147 p. (en ligne)

Préfaces, introductions

  • 1934 - «Foreword», dans William Menzies Whitelaw, The Maritimes and Canada before Confederation, Toronto : Oxford University Press, 328 p.
  • 1934 - «Foreword», dans Arnold Joseph Toynbee (éd.), British Commonwealth Relations. Proceedings of the First Unofficial Conference at Toronto, 11-21 September 1933, Toronto : Oxford University Press, ? p.
  • 1925 - «Introduction», dans Robert Laird Borden, Lorne Albert Pierce et Victor Morin (éd.), Makers of Canadian literature, from Haliburton, Garneau and Richardson to Parker, Fréchette, and Carman, Toronto : The Ryerson Press, 26 p.
  • 1916 - «Introduction», dans Charles Tupper, The Life and Letters of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., K.C.M.G. Edited by E. M. Saunders, Toronto : Cassell, 2 volumes.
  • 1916 - «Introduction», dans Max Aitken, Les Canadiens en Flandre, Montréal : Librairie Beauchemin, 248 p.
  • 1916 - «Introduction», dans Max Aitken, Canada in Flanders, Londre et Toronto : Hodder and Stoughton, [247] p.


  • 1931 - «The Problem of an Efficient Civil Service», dans Canadian Historical Association. Report of the Annual Meeting, volume 10, numero 1, p. 5-34.
  • 1923 - «Want of Vision' - Or What?», dans The Canadian Historical Review, volume 4, p. 5-11.

Sur l'auteur

  • 2012 - Tim Cook, Warlords. Borden, Mackenzie King and Canada's World Wars, Toronto : Allen Lane, 472 p.
  • 2002 - BAC, «Sir Robert Laird Borden», dans le site Premier parmi ses pairs. Le premier ministre dans la vie et la politique au Canada, Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
  • 2000 - Robert Craig Brown, «BORDEN, sir ROBERT LAIRD», dans Dictionnaire biographique du Canada en ligne.
  • 1982 - Jacques Monet, «Sir Robert Borden», à l'émission de radio Portraits des premiers ministres du Québec et du Canada de Radio-Canada, 11 mai. [Existe aussi sous forme de transcription écrite.]
  • 1978 - Kathleen Saunders, Robert Borden, Don Mills, Ont. : Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 63 p.
  • 1977 - John English, Borden. His life and World, Toronto : McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 223 p.
  • 1977 - John English, The Decline of Politics. The Conservatives and the Party System, 1901-1920, Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 237 p.
  • 1975-80 - Robert Craig Brown, Robert Laird Borden. A Biography, Toronto : Macmillan of Canada, 2 volumes.
  • 1966 - Harold Arnold Wilson, The imperial policy of Sir Robert Borden, Gainesville : University of Florida Press, 76 p.
  • 1948 - «Sir Robert Laird Borden», dans W. Stewart Wallace (éd.), The Encyclopedia of Canada, volume IV, Toronto : University Associates of Canada, p. 257-258.
  • 1923 - George Herbert Locke, Builders of the Canadian Commonwealth, Toronto : Ryerson Press, 317 p.
  • 1917 - Engineering Institute of Canada, Memorandum regarding national industrial development in Canada; submitted to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Borden, G.C.M.G., Prime Minister of Canada, May, 1916, 23 p. [Montreal Modern Print. Co.], p. (en ligne)
  • 1913 - Parti libéral du Canada, Canada and the Navy. Reasons by the Rt. Hon. R.L. Borden, M.P., in Favour of a Canadian Naval Service and Against a Contribution, Ottawa : Central Information Office of the Canadian Liberal Party, 7 p. (en ligne)
  • 1912 - Arthur Beauchesne, Le Très-Honorable M. R.-L. Borden, premier-ministre du Canada, Montréal : [s.n.], 30 p.

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