Edmond-Charles Genêt
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Edmond-Charles Genêt | |
(1763 - 1834) Ambassadeur de la République française aux États-Unis |
De l'auteur
- 1777 - Continuation de l'histoire des révolutions de Suède, de M. l'Abbé de Vertot: Histoire d'Eric XIV, Roi de Suède
- 1793 - Les Français libres à leurs frères les Canadiens
- 1793 - Liberté égalité: Les français libres à leurs frères de la Louisiane
- 1793 - Le citoyen Genet, ministre plénipotentiaire de la République française près les États-Unis, à M. Jefferson, secrétaire d'état des États-Unis
- 1793 - The correspondence between Citizen Genet, minister of the French Republic, to the United States of North America: and the officers of the federal government; to which are prefixed the instructions from the constituted authorities of France to the said minister. All from authentic documents
- 1793 - Papers relative to Great Britain
- 1793 - Correspondence relative to the renewal of treaties between France and the United States of America
- 1794 - Correspondance entre le citoyen Genet, Ministre Plenipotentiaire de la Republique Française pres les Etats-Unis, et les membres du gouvernement féderal: precedee des Instructions données à ce Ministre par les autorités constituées de la France, tirée des originaux
- 1795 - A message of the President of the United States, to Congress, relative to France and Great Britain: Delivered, December 5, 1793. With the papers therein referred to
- 1808 - A letter to the electors of president and vice-president of the United States
- 1808 - Communications on the next election for president of the United States: and on the late measures of the federal administration with notes, illustrations and documents
- 1818 - Memorial on the alluvions or obstructions, at the head of the navigation of the River Hudson: the impossibility of removing them effectually : the practicability of a lateral canal along those impediments for vessels of all descriptions, as the only lasting remedy : with a view of the political ...'
- 1821 - Address on the means of opening new sources of wealth for the northern states: Delivered on the 19th October, 1821, before the Agricultural Society of the County of Rensselaer, and the public attending their proceedings
- 1825 - Memorial on the upward forces of fluids, and their applicability to several arts, sciences, and public improvements: for which a patent has been granted by the government of the United States, to the author, Edmond Charles Genet, a citizen of the United States; member of the Institute of France
- 1825 - Address on the several subjects of science, useful knowledge, public improvements finances and public law: in reference to rivers, canals, navigation, and commerce delivered on the fifth of february, 1824, in the assembly room, at the capitol of Albany, before the members of the legislature, and ...
- 1833 - Petition of E.C. Genet and others, inhabitants of the counties of Rensselaer and Albany, for the construction of a ship canal from the city of Albany to the deep waters of the Hudson, below New-Baltimore
- 1778 - Nils Idman, Recherches sur l'ancien peuple finois: d'après les rapports de la langue finoise avec la langue grecque ([1])
- 1861 - Extraits de la correspondance du citoyen Genet (1793)
- 1904 - Correspondence of the French ministers to the United States, 1791-1797 ([2])